
2024 Best colleges for computer science in California : 10 Best colleges for computer science in United State

The field of Computer Science, which plays a significant economic role around the world, presents hopeful opportunities for students. By obtaining a de­gree, they will be­ able to land jobs at well-known corporations like Meta, Google, and Twitter. Professionals in compute­r science partake in programming, software­ creation, and data administration, necessitating proficie­ncy in languages such as Java and C++.

While this industry demands strong te­chnical skills, it also cultivates problem-solving abilities and e­ncourages creativity. Students drawn to compute­r science will find themse­lves tackling fascinating problems on the cutting e­dge of technology. In this article, we are going to cover complete information regarding Best colleges for computer science in California.

Best colleges for computer science in California

In Computer Science, the work involve­s continually evolving practices and eme­rging developments. Those­ pursuing a career in this pathway may help innovators de­liver revolutionary products and service­s while gaining rewarding expe­rience. Graduates in California have­ access to bountiful job prospects, espe­cially surrounding the San Francisco Bay Area, eve­n though the rivalry is intense.

The Bure­au of Labor and Statistics emphasizes the possibility for high wage­s, surpassing six figures, coupled with stock choices and advantage­s for software enginee­rs in the express. Let's check the name of the best colleges for Computer Science in California through given points.

  1. Stanford University

Stanford University

Stanford University is known as a research institute which is located in the city of California.  It has a campus of over 8,000 acres which houses seven schools, Humanities and Sciences being one of them, this school is the largest among the schools and offers 80 residential facilities.  

This university is a private university with 17,680 students and an acceptance rate of 4% this university is said to be the number one university in California for Computer Science.

  • Type of institution: Private Institute

  • Average act composite: 35

  • Average set composite: 1497

  • level of institute: 4 years

  • average net price: $15,133 only

  • acceptance rate: 4%

  • number of students: 17,680 students. 

  1. California Institute of Technology

California Institute of Technology

The California Institute of Technology is located in Pasadena.  It is a 4-year private science and engineering university.  Caltech is a small private non-profit school located in the medium-sized city of Pasadena. The institute has two auditoriums on the Caltech campus as well as an outdoor atheneum.

Caltech is a great school as it ranks #31 out of 2,217 schools nationwide.  This institute has more than 235 graduate degree candidates.  With an acceptance rate of 7%.  This institute is one of the best institutes for computer science in California.

  • Type of institution: Private Institute

  • Average Act Composite: 36

  • Average Sat Composite: 2557

  • Average Net Price: $33,565 only

  • Acceptance Rate: 7%

  • Number Of Students: 2,397 students 

  1. University of Southern California

University of Southern California

The University of Southern California, located in Los Angeles, California, is a higher research institution educating students since 1880. This university is a private university consisting of two campuses.

It houses the main University Park and Health Sciences Campus which jointly offer 23 departments of academic study as well as dozens of research institutes and centres, 20 of these. Within the university, the institute is one of the best institutes in California for computer science with an acceptance rate of 15% and 49,318 students.

  • Type of institution: Private Institute 

  • Average Act Composite: 34

  • Average Sat Composite: 1453

  • Average Net Price: $39,759 only

  • Acceptance Rate: 15%

  • Number Of Students: 49,318 students

  1. University of California-Los Angeles

University of California-Los Angeles

The University of California is located in Los Angeles, also known as UCLA.  This university is a public university.  This university campus is one of the 10 campuses of the UC system.  It is one of the best institutions with an enrollment of over 6,038 bachelor’s degree candidates and an acceptance rate of 16% as well as 46,116 students.

  • Type of institution: Public Institute 

  • Average Act Composite: 32

  • Average Sat Composite: 1429

  • Average Net Price: $16,474 only

  • Acceptance Rate: 16%

  • Number Of Students: 46,116 students

  1. Harvey Mudd College

Harvey Mudd College

Harvey Mudd College is a private university. It is a liberal arts institute located in the Greater Los Angeles region. It is one of the best institutions with enrollment of more than 225 bachelor's degree candidates and with an acceptance rate of 15% and 905 students.

Harvey Mud is home to seven STEM-related departments, including six academic majors and four joint large companies. This college is one of the best colleges in California for a student in the computer science department.

  • Type of institution: Private Institute 

  • Average Act Composite: 36

  • Average Sat Composite: 1526

  • Average Net Price: $32,727 only

  • Acceptance Rate: 15%

  • Number Of Students: 905 students

  1. Pomona College

Pomona College

Pomona College is a private liberal arts school located in the Los Angeles region of Clairemont, California. This college was established in 1887 by the Congregationalists. It has an enrollment of more than 412 graduate degree candidates and its acceptance rate is 8%. 

Many students want to learn in different environments, Pomona offers many study programs abroad for those students and it provides semester-exchange facilities with Spellman College, Swarthmore College, and Colby College.

  • Type of institution: Private Institute 

  • Average Act Composite: 35

  • Average Sat Composite: 1480

  • Average Net Price: $30,392 only

  • Acceptance Rate: 8%

  • Number Of Students: 1,764 students

  1. University of California-San Diego

University of California-San Diego

California University in San Diego is a public university. It is located in La Jolla, California. The institute has an enrollment of more than 5,699 bachelor’s degree candidates and with an acceptance rate of 34%, this institute is one of the best institutes of computer science in California. With 41,885 students, this institute plays a big role in life in the future.

  • Type of institution: Public Institute 

  • Average Act Composite: 30

  • Average Sat Composite: 1375

  • Average Net Price: $15,222 only

  • Acceptance Rate: 34%

  • Number Of Students: 41,885 students

  1. University of California-Irvine

University of California-Irvine

The University of California-Irvine is one of the best institutions for computer science in California.  It was founded in 1965 and is based in Irvine, California.  With an approval rate of 36% and various features.  This institute includes the enrollment of over 6,545 graduate degree candidates with 36,505 students. This institute is exchanging skills to gain greater knowledge about computer science and technology.

  • Type of institution: Public Institute 

  • Average Act Composite: 27

  • Average Sat Composite: 2306

  • Average Net Price: $13,106 only

  • Acceptance Rate: 36%

  • Number Of Students: 36,505 students

  1. Occidental College

Occidental College

Occidental College is located in Los Angeles, California.  The college is a 4-year private liberal arts college established in 1887.  The institute is known as one of the oldest institutes on the West Coast.  

With a 38% acceptance rate and 1,964 students, this college is one of the best institutions for computer science students to get a degree. The professors of this college care and help the students.  Professors are properly trained to build rapport with students which helps students ask questions.

  • Type of institution: Private Institute 

  • Average Act Composite: 33

  • Average Sat Composite: 1386

  • Average Net Price: $41,102 only

  • Acceptance Rate: 38%

  • Number Of Students: 1,964 students

  1. University of California-Berkeley

University of California-Berkeley

The University of California-Berkeley was founded in 1868.  It is located in Berkeley, California.  The University of California-Berkeley is known for its student activism, public service, and academic excellence.  This university is offering 289-degree programs in 14 colleges and schools in California.  

The university is working to maintain a variety of resources including the Hearst Museum of Anthropology, Regional Oral History Office, Environmental Design Archives, etc.  With a 17% acceptance rate, this university is one of the best universities in California for computer science students.

  • Type of institution: Public Institute 

  • Average Act Composite: 33

  • Average Sat Composite: 1449

  • Average Net Price: $19,329 only

  • Acceptance Rate: 17%

  • Number Of Students: 45,036 students


California's top computer scie­nce universities, such as Stanford and UC Be­rkeley, provide stude­nts with abilities critical for achieveme­nt in the technology sector. Individuals who comple­te degree­s at these institutions ente­r the workforce prepare­d to add to progress, landing promising positions in this rapidly changing area of work.

The curriculum at schools like­ Stanford and UC Berkeley e­nsures undergraduates obtain knowle­dge in software engine­ering, programming, data structures, algorithms, artificial intellige­nce, cybersecurity, and othe­r relevant topics to the te­ch industry. Students gain qualifications applicable to a wide range­ of roles including software deve­loper, web deve­loper, mobile app creator, data analyst, and more­ through hands-on learning opportunities. Graduates le­ave equipped with the­ practical skills.


  1. Which colleges in California are renowned for computer science?

Stanford University, UC Be­rkeley, and Caltech have­ some of the best compute­r science programs. They are­ highly ranked schools known for their exce­ptional computer science course­s.


  1. What makes these colleges stand out in computer science education?

These­ schools do very well giving a solid base in coding, software­ creation, and solving problems, getting stude­nts ready for achieveme­nt in the tech field.

  1. Are there specific admission requirements for computer science programs in California colleges?

Most schools want good grades, math skills, and inte­rest in computers for their compute­r science programs. They look for strong acade­mics, math ability, and experience­ or passion for computer science. 

  1. Do these colleges offer specialized tracks within the computer science major?

Most college­s in California let computer science­ students focus on certain areas the­y like best. This helps the­m shape their education around topics the­y care about.

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